Weather Statistics |
Detailed below are the annual statistics collected by the weather station, since the weather station went live on 13th February 2005.
Last Updated: 21/12/24 at 6:32pm.
Daily High |
Daily Average |
Daily Low |
Monthly High |
Monthly Average |
Monthly Low |
Yearly High |
Yearly Average |
Yearly Low |
Wind Speed |
28mph @ 3:04pm |
5mph |
N/A |
42mph on 8/12/24 |
5mph |
N/A |
47mph on 28/3/24 |
4mph |
N/A |
Wind Gust |
29mph @ 3:04pm |
13mph |
N/A |
42mph on 8/12/24 |
13mph |
N/A |
47mph on 28/3/24 |
11mph |
N/A |
Wind Direction |
N/A |
292o |
N/A |
N/A |
292o |
N/A |
N/A |
292o |
N/A |
Daily High |
Daily Average |
Daily Low |
Monthly High |
Monthly Average |
Monthly Low |
Yearly High |
Yearly Average |
Yearly Low |
Temperature |
12.9oc @ 2:35pm |
9.1oc |
4.7oc @ 6:50am |
14.3oc on 18/12/24 |
8.8oc |
0.8oc on 4/12/24 |
33.4oc on 30/7/24 |
12.9oc |
-4.7oc on 19/1/24 |
Humidity |
100% @ 3:46am |
92% |
77% @ 5:19pm |
100% on 4/12/24 |
88% |
69% on 7/12/24 |
100% on 19/2/24 |
82 |
31% on 11/5/24 |
Rain Today |
Rain in Last 24 Hours |
Rain this Month |
Date of Last Rainfall |
Total Rainfall |
0.6mm |
0.8mm |
25.6mm |
21/12/24 |
Daily High |
Daily Average |
Daily Low |
Monthly High |
Monthly Average |
Monthly Low |
Yearly High |
Yearly Average |
Yearly Low |
Pressure |
1018.4mb @ 3:18am |
1014.0mb |
1008.4mb @ 4:30pm |
1033.2mb on 16/12/24 |
1019.8mb |
992.4mb on 7/12/24 |
1037.6mb on 11/1/24 |
1013.9mb |
972.3mb on 28/3/24 |
Never base important decisions on this or any other weather information obtained from the Internet |